Shine Your Light Bold, Bright, and Beautiful

Shine your light!
Shine it Bold!
Shine it Bright!
Shine it Beautiful!
Are you too much?
Too loud?
Too excitable?
Who says?
Keep your voice down!
You’re not wearing that, are you?
Who says?
Don’t say that!
Take it down a notch!
Again, who says?
Who told you that back then?
Who’s telling you now?
Your family or friends?
Classmates or colleagues?
That look from a stranger?
What voices are outdated?
Holding you back?
Squashing that beautiful voice of yours?
Time to say, “Hell No!”
To push back against the noise.
To own your glory.
Shine your light!
Shine it Bold!
Shine it Bright!
Shine it Beautiful!
Your authentic voice is yours alone!
To tamp it down is to cheat the world.
To deny us your incredible gifts.
Find your flow!
Break down the dams.
Bring you, center stream.
Embrace your power!
Beam your full spectrum!
All your majestic colors!
The world needs your splendid self!
Natural and true.
The world needs you.
I need you.
We need you.
The world needs you.
I need you.
We need you.
I’m here with baited breath!
Ready and waiting.
To bare witness.
I’m here excited and eager!
To cheer you on.
To celebrate the one true you.
Shine your Light!
Shine it Bold!
Shine it Bright!
Shine it Beautiful!

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