Hey Mom,

do you crave a healthier, happier relationship with your teen?

You've got this! The wisdom of an Awesome Mom is within you! Often we just need a little help unlocking the gold.

Hey Mom,

Do you crave a healthier, happier relationship with your teen?

The wisdom of an Awesome Mom is within you! Often we just need a little help unlocking the gold.

What do you crave in your relationship with your teen?

More Connection

Wonder what happened to your sweet, affectionate child and how to relate to the grumpy, distant teen that has taken their place?

Happier times

Longing for happier times when you and your child can share a joke and enjoy each other’s company?

Better Communication

Stuck trying to figure out how the heck to get through to your tween or teen peacefully? You’re not alone!

Greater Peace

Tired of every interaction with your teen being challenging and contentious, but don’t know how to bring order back?

It all starts with you, Mom!

Looking to make a change?

When we are looking to make a change, it is so much easier to look outside ourselves. However, the beautiful truth is that our greatest power lies within ourselves. The most important and effective change begins by looking inward.

It's about learning and growing!

This doesn’t mean you are bad or wrong and this work is NOT to “fix” you or your teen. Our work is about learning, growing, and stepping up the quality of how you show up for yourself and your teen. It’s about breaking free of the overwhelm, unhealthy habits, and overall struggle so that you can feel so much more calm, clear and confident while building a stronger, happier, healthier relationship with yourself and your teen.

In our work together you will learn to:

Together, we can help you reset and build a strong, happy, healthy relationship with your tween, teen or LGBTQ+ child


There is nothing more powerful than working with an experienced coach to transform your current relationship with yourself and your teen. I will help you break unhealthy patterns and step into an exciting, new way of being. 


Sharing powerful insights about navigating the ups and downs of parenting tweens, teens and LGBTQ+ kids with universal themes that lead to important conversations about our experiences as moms.

Carrie will help you help yourself. She guides you to listen to your inner thoughts, feelings, and dreams, and helps you uncover how to create lasting change for yourself, crafting actions and goals to move you forward in your journey.

- S.S.

About me

Hi there! I am a spunky mom of three awesome teens who specializes in helping moms of tweens, teens, and LGBTQ+ kids feel calm, clear and confident as they build strong, healthy, happy relationships with their teens and themselves. 


Helping moms like you reconnect to your tween, teen or LGBTQ+ child in a way that feels authentic, aligned and easy comes from a place of deep joy. This work not only transforms the current relationship between parent and child, but creates an incredible ripple effect for generations to come. I am passionate about the magic of coaching; asking you powerful questions, reflecting back your own Inner Knowing, and guiding you in ways to strengthen your confidence both as a woman and mom.


On a personal note, I love the outdoors, especially sticking my feet in the sand while sitting oceanside under the warming sun. My favorite sweet treat is salted dark chocolate covered caramels. My go-to refreshment is water; I drink at least a gallon a day! I also deeply enjoy reading both non-fiction as well as wild, world-building fantasies such as Sarah J Maas’s work!

Ready to Step into Your Power as an Awesome Mom?

Sign up for my newsletter for powerful tips, articles and valuable information to help you level-up your relationship with yourself and your teen.

Ready to Step into Your Power as an Awesome Mom?

Sign up for my newsletter for powerful tips, articles and valuable information to help you level-up your relationship with yourself and your teen.

Happy Clients

It is my greatest joy to help women transform their relationships with their tweens, teens and LGBTQ+ kids. I am grateful for these reflections on our collaborations.

I have so much gratitude in my heart for Carrie. Working with her has been a truly unique coaching experience. She has helped me to dig deeper into my desires and dreams, and pull out this light I didn’t even know was there. Working with her keeps me excited about where I am, and where I am going.
- B.R.
Carrie was able to instantly connect with my ideas and dreams and understood their values. She is a gifted, intuitive listener and I felt really heard. She asks the right questions, provides the right level of feedback while giving you control.Carrie gets it and her empathy is genuine. She is incredibly insightful, funny, heart-centered and result oriented.
Carrie asks questions that invite you to go beyond the surface. I leave each session with inspired actions until our next session that helped me stay focused on my desired outcome. Carrie has a direct and intuitive energy about her that creates a coaching space for expansion and growth.

Get Started Now

Not sure if you need a coach to help you navigate the ups and downs of raising tweens, teens or LGBTQ+ kids? Don’t know how coaching can help? Wondering if you and Carrie are a good fit?

Ready to Breakthrough & Become an even more Awesome Mom?

Hi there Mom!
Are you wanting to connect better with your tween or teen?
Do you wish you knew how to communicate more effectively with them?