About me

Hi there! I am a spunky mom of three awesome teens who specializes in helping moms of tweens, teens, or LGBTQ+ kids feel calm, clear and confident as they build strong, healthy, happy relationships with their teens and themselves. On a personal note, I love the outdoors, especially sticking my feet in the sand while sitting oceanside under the warming sun. I also deeply enjoy reading both non-fiction as well as wild, world-building fantasies such as Sarah J Maas’s work!

Hi there! I am a spunky mom of three awesome teens who specializes in helping moms of tweens, teens, or LGBTQ+ kids feel calm, clear and confident as they build strong, healthy, happy relationships with their teens and themselves. On a personal note, I love the outdoors, especially sticking my feet in the sand while sitting oceanside under the warming sun. I also deeply enjoy reading both non-fiction as well as wild, world-building fantasies such as Sarah J Maas’s work!

As a young woman, starting to think about having kids, I knew I had unhealthy communication and relationship patterns that I didn't want to continue as a parent. So, before I even tried getting pregnant with my first child, I spent 18 months deep in a healing process that has allowed me to show up whole and powerful for my 3 children who are now thriving teens. My personal development work to be the best mom I can be has continued since those early days.


I believe every woman has it within themselves to shine and parent in a whole and powerful way. That is why I am so passionate about the work that I do.

Parenting is the most important, challenging and joyful work we will ever experience. In my 19 years of parenting, I have had many highs as well as numerous lows. I have experienced being completely over my head and wondering how I’ll ever make it through. There have been late nights lying awake questioning what I said or what I could say to get through to my kids better. I’ve held my breath, counted to ten and had the maturity to walk away when the situation called for it.

And I have so many moments of pure wonder, joy and gratitude. Wonder at these incredible little humans blooming right in front of me. Joy at their happiness; their ability to play, learn and grow; and at their emerging independence. Gratitude for the well-adjusted, confident, funny young adults for who they are becoming.

Fortunately, over the years I have learned to grow the good times and minimize the challenges through healthy communication, strong relationship skills, loving leadership, nurturing playfulness. The learning came through Inner Work, mentors, community, and my professional responsibilities helping groups talk to each other and work together more effectively.

I know you are wanting more in your relationship with your teen right now; more connection, more good times and yes, less struggle. I have no doubt that you can have an amazing relationship with your tween, teen or LGBTQ+ child.


As your parenting coach, I am here to help you transform your relationship with yourself as a mom and with your child. I am here to ask you powerful questions that evoke awareness and catalyze you into meaningful action so that you can be that Awesome Mom you dream of and know is within you.


I will guide you in taking aligned action, improving your communication skills, leading with love, nurturing your relationship and remembering how to have fun together.

It would be my deepest honor to help you find your path to renewed connection and happiness in this way. If these words resonate and you are ready to learn how we can work together, click the link below to schedule a FREE Awesome Mom Breakthrough Planning Call.

As a young woman, starting to think about having kids, I knew I had unhealthy communication and relationship patterns that I didn't want to continue as a parent. So, before I even tried getting pregnant with my first child, I spent 18 months deep in a healing process that has allowed me to show up whole and powerful for my 3 children who are now thriving teens. My personal development work to be the best mom I can be has continued since those early days.


I believe every woman has it within themselves to shine and parent in a whole and powerful way. That is why I am so passionate about the work that I do.

Parenting is the most important, challenging and joyful work we will ever experience. In my 19 years of parenting, I have had many highs as well as numerous lows. I have experienced being completely over my head and wondering how I’ll ever make it through. There have been late nights lying awake questioning what I said or what I could say to get through to my kids better. I’ve held my breath, counted to ten and had the maturity to walk away when the situation called for it.


And I have so many moments of pure wonder, joy and gratitude. Wonder at these incredible little humans blooming right in front of me. Joy at their happiness; their ability to play, learn and grow; and at their emerging independence. Gratitude for the well-adjusted, confident, funny young adults for who they are becoming.


Fortunately, over the years I have learned to grow the good times and minimize the challenges through healthy communication, strong relationship skills, loving leadership, nurturing playfulness. The learning came through Inner Work, mentors, community, and my professional responsibilities helping groups talk to each other and work together more effectively.

I know you are wanting more in your relationship with your teen right now; more connection, more good times and yes, less struggle. I have no doubt that you can have an amazing relationship with your tween, teen or LGBTQ+ child.


As your parenting coach, I am here to help you transform your relationship with yourself as a mom and with your child. I am here to ask you powerful questions that evoke awareness and catalyze you into meaningful action so that you can be that Awesome Mom you dream of and know is within you.


I will guide you in taking aligned action, improving your communication skills, leading with love, nurturing your relationship and remembering how to have fun together.


It would be my deepest honor to help you find your path to renewed connection and happiness in this way. If these words resonate and you are ready to learn how we can work together, click the link below to schedule a FREE Awesome Mom Breakthrough Planning Call.

My core values in coaching, as in life, include:


The foundation of all healthy relationships is moving beyond bias and assumptions into a place of curiosity about yourself, the other person and the interactions between you. 

Deep Listening

An essential part of communication, often forgotten, that plays a critical role in understanding one another. Deep listening is a form of respect for the inherent worth of the person speaking. 

Inner Wisdom

Our greatest untapped gift is the wealth of knowledge within us about who we are, what we want and what we need to have a life of peace and flow.

Present Possibility

Our greatest struggles stem from being stuck in either past regrets or worries about the future. In contrast, Present Possibility is where our power lies and where we must focus our attention.


Positive appreciation for the many silly and ironic aspects of life, allows the energy around us to flow more easily and increases the quality of our experiences.

The Individual Journey

Each of us brings to the table a unique perspective shaped by our experiences. While there are common themes that unite us in our journeys to rich, fulfilling lives, these themes must be understood within the context of the individual.

Heart-Centered Community

Leading with love; giving and receiving support; holding each other in our power, speaking our truth with respect, kindness and compassion; being seen, heard and valued – these are pillars of belonging core to healing and growing.

Get Started Now

Not sure if you need a coach to help you navigate the ups and downs of raising tweens, teens or LGBTQ+ kids?

Sometimes we just need some outside perspective to help us get unstuck. Don’t know how coaching can help? Wondering if you and Carrie are a good fit?

Ready to Breakthrough & Become an even more Awesome Mom?​