
What are courses like?

Carrie's courses are tailored for women who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and are ready to start moving towards their version of thriving. They help you break free of the fear, overwhelm, isolation and whatever else is keeping you stuck, with a focus on transforming your experience of illness in mind, body and spirit.

What kind of women are these courses designed for?

My Courses

Empowered Advocate: Making the Most of Your Doctor’s Appointments

What's included in this course?

This is a self directed course teaching the you how to prepare, show up, and follow through – before, during, and after your doctor’s appointment.

Based on the priorities we define together at the beginning of our time together, we will focus on:

Coming Soon - Sign up for the waitlist today!

From Surviving to Thriving; Essential Mindset Shifts for those with Chronic Illness

What's included in this course?

This is a course focused on helping you understand the essential mindset shifts for moving through each phase of your *proprietary* Chronic Illness Life Cycle

Based on the priorities we define together at the beginning of our time together, we will focus on:

Coming Soon - Sign up for the waitlist today!

Happy Clients


I’ve known Carrie for over 20 years. She is an incredibly inspiring person to know. Her passion and dedication to the issues and causes she believes in is a driving force in her life, whether it’s her own personal challenges or things she sees happening in the world. She is a powerful advocate and agent of change. Having collaborated with her on creating PWCA, Professional Women’s Collaborative of Annapolis, I have had the opportunity to witness what a visionary she is! I loved the creative and fun process that emerged from our collaboration; I know she brings this energy and enthusiasm to all her working relationships with clients and colleagues. In recent years, her own healing journey has been at the heart of the inspiration for her emerging body of work. It has been an honor to witness her process as she committed deeply to her own healing and transformation. As she has begun to return to a state of greater wellbeing, her passion to help others with chronic illness has emerged strongly. Her insights and understanding have much to offer in this area; and her programming is well-structured and accessible for those needing support in recovery from chronic illness.


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Not sure if you need a Transformational Health Coach to support you? Don't know how coaching can help? Wondering if you and Carrie are a good fit? 

Ready To Get Unstuck
& Reclaim a Life You Love?