You Have Already Arrived: Rest and Celebrate!

You have already arrived!
You are a work in progress AND you have already arrived.

Do you ever tire of doing the work? The work to heal your mind, body, and soul?

Do you ever wish you have arrived? Arrived at a place of completion and wholeness?

What if you have already arrived?

Working Towards Arriving

Talk Therapy as a Pillar of Health

Yesterday, I was on the phone with my talk therapist. I work with her on a regular basis as one of the pillars of Mastering My Health. I was talking to her about the significant work I’ve done over the last two weeks on old wounds that continue to haunt me. It’s not like they dog my days, but rather linger in the background like a shadow. Truly, I have done a ton of work on these wounds over the years.

A red rimmed triangular work work in progress road sign.
Photo Credit: Mark Konig

Healing Old Wounds

My most recent effort was an unexpected opportunity to remove the energetic weight of the trauma. It was a powerful and exhausting experience. Almost immediately afterwards, another opportunity arose to test the effectiveness of the exercise. A new friend invited me to join a group that focuses on writing about trauma and transformation. While I am all for the transformation, I entered the initial meeting curious and skeptical about diving into trauma work with a bunch of strangers. As that group of seven women introduced themselves, skimming the surface of their traumas, my healing was tested. I wasn’t necessarily triggered but I saw the strong potential. After all this time, I still am not sure where is that line of being officially healed.

You Have Already Arrived

You are Already Here

As I talked through this with my counselor, I expressed the exhaustion of being a work in progress and the deep desire to have arrived already. Then she asked the magical question “What if you have already arrived?”  And there it was; the clarity, the reminder. I have already arrived. I am already complete and whole. We all are.

There is a false dichotomy that we are either broke or whole; either in the process of healing or healed, either looking to find the missing pieces or complete. Arrival is a state of mind; an acceptance of what is.

The And in Arriving

I am a work in progress AND I already have arrived. You are a work in progress AND you have already arrived. In this very moment, we are whole, healed and complete. We are exactly where we are meant to be; who we are meant to be.

Every moment is a landing in the place of opportunity. Opportunity to embrace the Now. An opportunity to celebrate your  incredible progress. It is an opportunity to see that your hard work has already paid off. And it is an opportunity to understand any additional work will make you more whole, more complete.

Becoming More Complete

How is that possible? How can you be more whole? More complete?

A majestic multicolored sunrise; much like having already arrived...the sun arrives in each moment AND continues to rise
Photo Credit: Mohammed Nohassi

It’s like the magic of a sunrise. as the sun works it’s way up into the sky, the colors begin to change. Each moment is mystical as the hues of deep lavender shift to burgundy then a dusty rose. The orange melts into a warm yellow into a bright white that eventually dissolves into the day’s blue. Just like the sun, you continue to arrive AND rise.

Rest and Celebrate

As I sat talking to my counselor, I vowed to take a breath to acknowledge and celebrate where I am today. I am tired. All this work on Mastering My Health is exhausting. I need to pause to rest and integrate the feelings of completeness.

So, I am wondering, what have you been working on?

Can you see how everything you do brings you to exactly where you need to be?

What piece of arriving can you celebrate today?

Drop me a note in the comments and let me know because I’d love to celebrate with you!