Lessons from the Breast Brigade

The Breast Brigade

What did I learn from the Breast Brigade?

What is the Breast Brigade?

The recipe starts with a fresh-from-the-womb child, a new mother, and a stream of well-intentioned know-it-alls.

Breastfeeding Myths

In preparing for my first child’s birth 16 years ago, I came to believe Breast is Best and went through classes to teach me the way to breastfeed. The way to help the child latch, the various holding positions, and “simple” techniques for breaking the latch. Easy-peasy, right?

Oh hell no! 

The biggest fallacy in breastfeeding is that it comes naturally. What a horrible load of cow manure! Do you know how hurtful this can be? Physically and emotionally? While breastfeeding is natural, it does not come naturally to all mother-child duos. I learned this the hard way.

Breastfeeding My First Child

With my first child, I had an emergency c-section with general anesthesia. I did not know to factor this in when Rosie latched for the first time. The nurse put my child in my arms and let us have at it. Here’s where some advice would have been helpful. Alas, my nipple had no sensation. It felt perfect. It wasn’t. Not latched properly, Rosie macerated me as she struggled to get milk. 

I was in the hospital for at least 24 hours and fed Rosie at least every 90 minutes. It continued to go poorly. Inevitably a doctor, nurse, or assistant would come into my room while feeding. Each one of them told me what I was doing wrong and how to fix it.I called this steady stream “helpers” the Breast Brigade. Every advisor was absolute that their way was the best way. Very quickly, the accumulating advice contradicted itself. I was exhausted, frustrated, in pain, and completely overwhelmed. Who do I listen to? Who is right?

Choosing One Trusted Source

It all became too much. Giving my power away has always been a major weakness in situations like this. I have a tendency to look outside myself for answers. But I was at a breaking point; something had to give. As I sat still in my overwhelm, got centered in my body, and listened to my Inner Knowing, I realized I had to choose. Choose one trusted resource and focus on mastering those techniques.

Choosing a trusted resource was not hard; I relied on my Pediatrician’s avid recommendation. It did take a little bit of time, but making this choice was the fastest road to rhythm with Rose. Finding ways to gracefully turn away other advice challenged my worn-out self. Thankfully, the Fierce Momma in me took charge. 

A New Form of the Breast Brigade

Reinforced Diagnoses

Why the heck is this story relevant now?

This Wednesday, I ended up by accident or Divine Guidance (you choose) in exactly the place I needed to be. I landed in the company of two physicians who specialize in three of the contributors to my health challenges; brain injury, Lyme, and mold. Lyme and mold have always been in the picture, but my primary has been fairly lax in treating either. After some testing, the new doctors declared that Lyme and Mold play major roles in my illness.

A New Assault

The ramifications of this declaration are explosive. Both Lyme and mold are highly controversial and can be very difficult to resolve. Once again, I’ve turned outside myself for answers. Once again, opinions and absolutes abound. I know everything offered is well-intentioned and all of it together is overwhelming. Some of it is conflicting. I feel assaulted by a new form of the Breast Brigade.

To be clear, then and now, I asked for help. Now, I am remembering that I need to be still, get centered, and listen to my Inner Knowing. I need to choose a path and dedicate my focus. There is more complexity this time around, so I’ll need to be discerning in selecting multiple selected sources per topic area. Still, I need to trust my decisions and replace my fear with faith. That Fierce Momma needs to take charge again and take care of myself like I took care of Rosie.