Right Relationship

A shelf of books, with titles running down the spines.

What’s in a Title?

The saying goes “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” By extrapolation you could say don’t judge a person by their title, but that discounts the intrinsic human tendency to assess one another in a matter of seconds. This is why it is so critical to be really clear in how you introduce yourself; what […]

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Dad balloon across a wall of neck ties

Celebrating Dad: Part 1

Who are the father figures you celebrate in your life? Are you celebrating dad today? As I consider the father figures in my life on this Father’s Day, I feel both grateful and proud.My own father is an amazing man who I have grown a deeper appreciation for as the years pass. To be honest,

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The Feelings Behind the Mask

What are the feelings behind the mask? This is a question I find myself asking more often than I ever thought possible. I am still staying mostly at home, but there are times I venture out. It’s at these times I find myself wondering what are the feelings behind the mask? What is the other

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4 sets of boot clad kids legs on a muddy path

Helping Our Children Cope

Do you have children in your life right now? A child? Grandchild? Godchild? Niece? Nephew? Or some alternative? How are they doing? Do you know? Do you really know? What’s going on inside their heads? In their hearts? Are you helping these children in your life cope? These turbulent times are difficult for even the

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Show AND Tell Love

In my last post (found here) I wrote about making sure the Loved Ones in our lives know how much we care. I encouraged all of us to tell them, remind them and have no regrets in this regard. And there’s more. It is critical to be deliberate and intentional about who and where we

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Do Your Loved Ones Know?

Do your Loved Ones know? Do they know they are loved?  That you hold a special place in your heart for them? That you care even when you are apart? Do they know you miss them? Have you told them? It’s so easy, so human, to take for granted that the important people in our

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