Power of Story

A shelf of books, with titles running down the spines.

What’s in a Title?

The saying goes “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” By extrapolation you could say don’t judge a person by their title, but that discounts the intrinsic human tendency to assess one another in a matter of seconds. This is why it is so critical to be really clear in how you introduce yourself; what […]

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A journal that tells the story of gratitude with a pen and olive branch next to it.

The Power of Story

The power of story moves us through our days defining our experience. What stories are you telling these days? What are you telling yourself? And what are you telling others? These are the stories of your life. The words you use and the way you string them together shape your world. Whether you mean it

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Name Your Superpower!

Can you name your superpower? Naturally, the tendency in responding to this question is to think of fictional Superheros and Villians; the likes of Wonder Woman, Super Man, Gollum, and Darth Vader. But I am not asking about conjured powers of our imagination. Rather, I am talking about those innate powers within us that we

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Feel like a Fraud?

Do you ever feel like a fraud? Do you ever feel like you’ll be found out? Found out for not being all that? All that you let on to be? All that others have come to expect of you? Have you ever felt like an imposter? An imposter who didn’t belong because you didn’t have

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Quit Taking It Personally!

QTIP! Has anyone ever told you to Quit Taking It Personally? You may have heard it from a parent, a friend, or a colleague. I have heard some version of it from all three. Unfortunately, I have taken other people’s bad behavior personally more often than I’d like to admit and I’ve worried far too

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Who Are You Becoming?

Who are you? And who are you becoming? There are so many ways to answer the first question of “Who are you?” A big part of it is how you define yourself. Do you see yourself primarily as your gender, family, work or community role? I suspect it’s an AND. We are not just one

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Celebrating My Country

This week I am celebrating my country because of its rich history and the freedom that history gives me to challenges its complexities. Will you be celebrating? The United States of America is my home; it both has my heart and causes concern. I grew up being schooled on my country’s impressive birth as a

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